Artikel Riset

MMSD – reflections on gaps remaining

by Luke Danielson

Two decades after the Global Mining Initiative and the Mining Minerals and Sustainable Development Project (MMSD), Luke Danielson – who served as Director – takes the opportunity for reflection on what this effort achieved, where it fell short, and what remains to be done – as identified in RMF's Closing the Gaps.

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Accelerating responsible mining: spotlight on industry and multistakeholder initiatives

In support of the normalisation of responsible mining practices across the industry, RMF has conducted assessments of effective performance across a sample of six initiatives (EITI, ICMM, MAC TSM, UN Global Compact, the VPs, and WGC RGMP).

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Why is gender still off the agenda of mining companies?

The Responsible Mining Foundation has been tracking gender action by mining companies since 2017 and the latest results are just in. The findings again show striking contrasts in what companies choose to focus on – gender balance in headquarter teams is quite widely addressed while gender in affected communities is largely ignored.

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Beyond emissions reductions: climate change and mining

Commendable and important as mining companies’ commitments to become carbon-neutral are, emissions reduction is only one element of a responsible response to climate change. Recent research by RMF reveals that action to assess and address climate-related risks on people and environments impacted by mining – yet essential for a just transition – is conspicuously missing from current efforts by mining companies.

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Fostering community-company engagement to address environmental impacts of mining

Recent initiatives by ETH and RMF illustrate the potential for mining-affected communities to actively engage with local mining companies on environmental issues.

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Commodity trading transactions with governments: corporate transparency still rare

Recent research by RMF shows that very few of the companies making these trades disclose data about the payments they make. Normalisation of the public disclosure of commodity trading transactions is critically important to support financial integrity and good governance of extractive resources.

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Saatnya menormalkan penghormatan dan pemulihan Hak Asasi Manusia di sektor pertambangan

Lalu apakah status terkini mengenai hak asasi manusia di sektor pertambangan? Sudah 10 tahun sejak diadopsinya Prinsip-Prinsip Panduan PBB Mengenai Bisnis dan Hak Asasi Manusia (UNGPs), data dari RMI Report 2020 menunjukkan bahwa skor penilaian rata-rata perusahaan pertambangan besar terkait isu hak asasi manusia hanya mencapai 19%.

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Tailings risks: maintaining momentum

At the second anniversary of the tailings dam burst in Brumadinho, Brazil that killed at least 270 people and destroyed the livelihoods and environments for many others, the mining industry seems more willing than ever to take the issue of tailings risks seriously.

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