Berita untuk surat kabar

Just transition for mining requires more than net-zero


Commendable and important as mining companies’ commitments to become carbon-neutral are, emissions reduction is only one element of a responsible response to climate change. Recent research by RMF reveals that action to assess and address climate-related risks on people and environments impacted by mining – yet essential for a just transition – is conspicuously missing from current efforts by mining companies.
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Harmful impacts of mining: new report calls for the normalisation of prevention


A new report by RMF calls for the normalisation of prevention of harmful impacts across the industry. Based on public domain information, this report shows that harmful impacts are not inevitable, and yet they happen across the world, not only in jurisdictions with limited regulatory oversight.
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Commodity trading: Transactions with governments are still largely opaque


Recent research by RMF shows that very few of the companies making these trades disclose data about the payments they make. Normalisation of the public disclosure of commodity trading transactions is critically important to support financial integrity and good governance of extractive resources.
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Statement on Deep-Sea Mining


The Responsible Mining Foundation (RMF) supports the calls for a global moratorium on deep-sea mining, in alignment with recommendations by numerous individuals and organisations around the world.
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Limited ESG due diligence among extractive commodity trading companies – new report reveals


A new report, The ESG Due Diligence and Transparency Report on Extractive Commodity Trading, assesses 25 companies that have significant activities in the trade of oil, gas, metals or minerals. The companies score on average only 23% on ESG due diligence systems and 28% on disclosure of public-interest information.
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Saatnya menormalkan penghormatan dan pemulihan Hak Asasi Manusia di sektor pertambangan


Hak Asasi Manusia menjangkau berbagai macam isu, dan aktivitas pertambangan pada dasarnya dapat memengaruhi sebagian besar isu tersebut. Sudah 10 tahun sejak diadopsinya Prinsip-Prinsip Panduan PBB Mengenai Bisnis dan Hak Asasi Manusia (UNGPs), data dari RMI Report 2020 menunjukkan bahwa skor penilaian rata-rata perusahaan pertambangan besar terkait isu hak asasi manusia hanya mencapai 19%.
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Tailings risks: maintaining momentum


At the second anniversary of the tailings dam burst in Brumadinho, Brazil that killed 270 people and destroyed the livelihoods and environments for many others, the mining industry seems more willing than ever to take the issue of tailings risks seriously.
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Pertambangan dan TPB: potensi besar, tindakan terbatas


Just 10 years are left to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals – and as one of the few sectors with links to all 17, the mining industry has a significant role to play in contributing to their achievement. But as Mining and the SDGs – a 2020 status update, a new report reveals, the sector as a whole is falling short.
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