RMI Report 2018
The Responsible Mining Foundation publishes a biennial assessment of large, globally-dispersed mining companies’ policies and practices on economic development, business conduct, lifecycle management, community wellbeing, working conditions and environmental responsibility – with gender and human rights issues integrated throughout the report.

Published in six languages, the RMI Report 2018 covers 30 companies including publicly-listed, state-owned and private companies. Together these companies represent around 25 % of the global value of mining production, cover 51 producing and home countries with a collective population of 4,700,000,000 people, and account for 861 operating and 140 closed mine sites, and with known tax jurisdictions in 109 countries.
Quick links: |
→ Overall Company Results Detailed rankings and all the indicator-level scores in the six thematic areas |
→ Companies Discover the 30 individual company result pages and discover their scores and contextual information |
→ Mine Sites Access the individual scores of 127 mine sites selected out of 850+ operating sites covered by RMI |
→ Leading Practices Practices that are exceptionally responsive to the challenges and opportunities of responsible mining |
→ Document Library Discover more than 2,000 source documents, which have been used in the RMI 2018 assessment |