In the news

January 21, 2021

Tailings storage facilities still pose huge threat of harm, RMF says

As many as one-third of the current global portfolio of tailings storage facilities (TSFs) are impaired and in need of urgent intervention, according to the Switzerland-based Responsible Mining Foundation (RMF).

Metal Bulletin

January 21, 2021

Tailings Risks: Maintaining Momentum

Two years after the tailings dam burst in Brumadinho, Brazil, the mining industry has shown its willingness to take the issue of global tailings risks seriously. But the challenges remain great, if one considers the vast numbers of abandoned sites, the profit motive driving corporate decision-making, and the way that regulators have allowed companies to walk away from their responsibilities and externalise costs to society and future generations.

January 12, 2021

Congolees kobalt geeft e-auto nare nasmaak. Terecht of niet?

In oktober vorig jaar heeft de Responsible Mining Foundation een rapport uitgebracht over de duurzaamheid van de 38 grootste mijnbouwbedrijven. Hierin werden de bedrijven onder meer beoordeeld op biodiversiteit, kinderarbeid, arbeidsomstandigheden, eerlijke beloning en bedrijfstransparantie. "De scores zijn over het algemeen erg laag, ongeacht welke grondstof wordt gewonnen en in welk land deze bedrijven actief zijn".

Reformatisch Dagblad
January 10, 2021

CeSIS Celebrates a Decade of Excellence in Research and Advocacy

A refreshing part of this success story is the many partnerships and collaborations that CeSIS forged with both local and international organizations. We have enjoyed tremendous working relationships with organisations and institutions such as Third World Network, Africa (TWN– Africa), Publish What You Pay, Ghana (PWYP – Ghana), Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC), Responsible Mining Foundation (RMF), National Coalition on Mining (NCOM) and Australian High Commission

January 6, 2021

Cornish Lithium granted rights to explore sea by Crown Estate

During a Responsible Mining Foundation webinar hosted Nov. 11, RMF CEO Helene de Villiers-Piaget said that, until the full ramifications of deep-sea mining are understood, a "moratorium" should be enacted.

S&P Global Platts
December 22, 2020

Що таке відповідальний видобуток і наскільки відповідальними є українські підприємства залізорудної галузі

Довідка. Фонд Responsible Mining Foundation було створений в листопаді 2012 року як некомерційна дослідницька організація, що працює на загальне благо. Спочатку Фонд базувався в Нідерландах, потім перемістився до Швейцарії.

Громадський Простір
December 21, 2020

Empresas de mineração do Brasil reforçarão regras de segurança em barragens de rejeitos

A Responsible Mining Foundation (RMF), sediada na Suíça, publicou um estudo no início de abril deste ano, mostrando que a ação liderada por investidores resultou em maior transparência em relação ao estado dessas instalações.

Sebrae Inteligência Setorial
December 18, 2020

It takes money to leave positive mining legacies: Where is it?

In the RMI Report 2020, an evidence-based assessment of the environmental social governance performance of 38 of the largest mining companies in the world, no company could show evidence of disclosing its financial surety arrangements for socioeconomic liabilities related to mine closure (with regards to workers and communities) and post-closure (to ensure coverage of longer-term socioeconomic aspects).

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